Lent 2022, Day 13


Today’s reading begins the account in Luke of Jesus’ birth. Mary doesn’t remind me of myself, but Joseph reminds me of Ken. He’s gracious and patient and hard-working and loving and faith-filled. If there is a clear “right thing to do,” Ken is going to do it.

Today happens to be our 30th anniversary, so it’s the perfect day for me to brag about him. And I will do that while also discussing dogs! My favorites.

 When we first got Feynman, we slowly realized that he was going to be a Very Big Deal and also Quite Expensive. One day, after another specialist appointment, I gave Ken a Feynman update. Ken had been pretty silent during the update, which bothered me a bit, and I maybe felt a teensy bit judged. So I blurted out, “Look. I am PERFECTLY aware that I am using these dogs to fill a void. But I LIKE taking care of creatures that need to be cared for! And I FULLY acknowledge that I thrive on a certain amount of chaos. So before you feel the need to point any of this out to me, I know!!”

 Ken smirked and said something like “Hey, you said it, not me,” and then he gave Feynman some pats and I calmed down and we went about our day. I love this man.

 Final brag: when we decided to keep Libby, Ken was the last one on board. But he was the first one to break our long-standing “no dogs on the bed” rule. I want to be more like Ken.


#lent2022 #bibleononeyear #repentandbelieve #30years #libby



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