Lent 2022, Day 14


He has brought down rulers from their thrones

but has lifted up the humble.

Luke 1:52


Libby was a refugee. Homeless due to no fault of her own. Abused and neglected by those with more power. An underdog (I am so sorry), powerless, humble.

 She still sees herself this way sometimes, I think. But she’s none of those things—she belongs. She’s a passport holder, a permanent resident, an equal peer of the dogizens (again, I am so sorry) of the land, with all of the rights and privileges so bestowed. She has been raised up, saved, accepted. The moments she accepts her place are my favorite moments, and they motivate me to continue to run towards, rather than away from, the need (thank you, Susan O’Rourke for those exactly right words).

 #lent2022 #repentandbelieve #bibleinoneyear #libby


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