Lent 2022, Day 19
Today’s BiOY commentary quotes John Wesley:
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”
Doggos and I are in the mountains, doing our homework, bracing for more intensive training tomorrow. We’re inward-focused, not doing any good for anyone at the moment, unless we count the people Libby won’t bite in the future. This time really feels quite self-indulgent.
This time, this week, this season of life; this empty nest, this stepping away and stepping back from over-commitment and over-involvement … At what point is taking the time to consider simply an excuse to excuse myself? And while I’m the answer to none of the world’s problems, there are moments and issues that I can impact. My smallness is no excuse.
Back to this day. In my tiny sphere of influence of the moment, here’s what I know: we went for a hike, stopping to dig up and chew pine cones. Some of us frolicked and some of us plodded and observed. The sun shone and the snow crunched and the creek promised Spring. Muscles were used and tired out, and now everyone is napping in his/her own pool of sunlight. I suppose, for today, that is its own goodness.
#lent2022 #bibleinoneyear #repentandbelieve #rescuedogsofinstagram
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