Lent 2022, Day 21
had mixed success today. She was sort of weird and seemed extra stressed. It’s
just a lot. She is a lot. And I, a fan of shortcuts, am accepting that there
will be none here. No amount of love will circumvent the need for order,
boundaries—rules. And learning/enforcing the rules is going to take a lot of
It’s obviously much more complex theologically than “bad friend/good friend” (which dances dangerously close to legalism or salvation by works), but as in today’s BiOY passage from Numbers, the people of God have always had certain responsibilities, certain expectations of holiness, standards often at odds with the surrounding culture. This takes commitment, dedication … work. Love and grace cover it all, but I’ve got to do my part.
Back to the little Jennifer/Libby universe: there is mutual adoration and commitment, but there needs to be more: I need to expect more of her, require more of her. These rules will definitely limit her in the short run—no excess barking, no aggressive greeting, no nipping at her canine siblings; in short, less freedom to do as she likes. But what she doesn’t know yet is that these rules and expectations will give her freedom like she has never known.
#bibleinoneyear #rescuedogsofinstagram #repentandbelieve
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