Lent 2022, Day 22
Today’s BiOY Verse of the Day:
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
I think a lot of us misinterpret this verse; we choose to read it as a contract: I will be “good,” and God will give me everything I want. If things don’t work out, it’s either my fault (I sink into self-loathing) or God’s (I take up faith-loathing). The danger and insidiousness of “Prosperity Gospel” or “Word of Faith” teaching springs from this sort of mindset, to the detriment of millions and the enrichment of a very few. It’s an easy, even lazy, way to view God and faith. It’s the sort of shortcut thinking I referred to in yesterday’s musings.
So how do I read this verse, this concept? I think that God promises to reward our friendship with the desires he wants us to have: compassion, mercy, and love spring to mind. I also think he wants us to be active, to strive for Earth as it is in Heaven, even though we know it won’t come in our lifetime. I don’t believe the desires promised to be fulfilled include private planes paid for by congregants, but they do include obedience, looking outward, and working to make the world better.
Libby, of course, will have none of this. She has named it and now she wants to claim it. She requests a villain’s lair, with access granted only to a select few whose sole call is to serve Libby. She also requests complete freedom to behave however she likes.
She is currently having this theology tested. Our intrepid trainer has her out for a walk, sans me. I can hear the complaining from here.
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