Lent 2022, Day 25


Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Luke 6:31 

Known as The Golden Rule, today’s BiOY Verse of the Day encompasses much of what we’ve been mulling over these past weeks: acceptance, love, patience, loyalty, effort, consistency. What do we want in a friend? Be that friend. 

I always used to tell my kids (altogether now, R, S, and A): “The most interesting people are the people who are interested in you.” Don’t be a creeper, but ask questions; remember the answers to those questions, and be present, be interested. If you realize that you’re dominating the conversation, take a step back and listen instead. This, like yesterday’s advice not to be an idiot, is so simple—or it should be. But looking at our isolated and often mean and divided culture, it’s clear that we are not collectively following Jesus’ very good and simple advice.

With my animals, it’s simpler and much easier: I give, and they take, and then they pay me back in cuteness. It’s an arrangement that works well for us (minus the biting and the barking). Not quite the Golden Rule … maybe the Goldens Rule? 😐

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