Lent 2022, Day 3

From today’s Bible in One Year (BiOY) commentary:

We live in a society of instant gratification. Instant meals. Instant messaging. Instant cash. Instant loans. Instant fake tans. Instant fortunes won. There is a great danger of short-termism. The passages for today remind us that God is the ‘everlasting God’ (Isaiah 40:28). God views things through a wide-angled lens: he takes a long view and he wants you to enjoy a lifetime of his favour (Psalm 30:5).

Libby is neither a short-term commitment, nor a short-term project—no quick fixes here. We have to take the long view with her, which has turned out to be a gift—and also a promise. She is safe, we will not abandon her, and we will always, always come back. That’s a good starting point. The manners will come. 

I told Libby all of these things this morning as Ken and I headed out for about a week, to visit our son, see my mom, and celebrate our anniversary. Not sure if Libby understood, but I felt better. She will have a fun time with our energetic and kind young dog-sitter, and I will get to step away from the intensity of all dogs, all the time.  It’ll be good for both of us. We’ve got time. 


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