Lent 2022, Day 6
Keep me free from the trap that is set for me,for you are my refuge.
Psalm 31:4
There’s that old joke about dogs thinking their people are god, and cats thinking that they (the cats) are gods. Not too sure about cats, but I’m pretty sure it’s true with dogs. We are their experience of God, be it vengeful, violent, indifferent, exacting, or loving.
I am Libby’s safe place, her protector and refuge. Sometimes that looks like quiet snuggles together or extended playtime and freedom, or simply meeting her basic needs. But sometimes it looks like a tether. If there’s going to be lots of potential bitees around us and we can’t get away, Libby is literally tethered to me. She hates it. (I don’t love it either. It tends to be chaotic and loud.) She of course hasn’t figured out that the tethering gives her freedom and quite literally, life. Nor can she understand that I am protecting others from her chaos, whilst also protecting her from the consequences of that chaos. Libby would prefer to have the “freedom” to behave however badly she would like, on her terms, with me conveniently nearby, to entertain and comfort and care for her on demand and to send all the bad people away.
Sound familiar at all? This myopic view of God can lead to all sorts of misunderstanding and misinterpretation and hurt. But I believe that God’s view, the long view, is one that can actually be trusted. Being tethered to One who loves me and equally loves everyone I encounter—and actually wants the best for us all? Sounds like refuge.
#lent2022 #bibleinoneyear #rescuedogsofinstagram #repentandbelieve #libby
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