Lent 2022, Day 27


From today's commentary on Luke 7:

Each person you meet and every situation that confronts you is, in a sense, a test. How are you going to respond to the needs of the people around you, and the situations you find yourself in?”

With Libby, each person we meet is an actual test, often one that we both fail. She barks and pulls and ignores me, and I squawk and apologize and drag her away. Others’ need to not get bitten is met, but their need for a normal interaction or perhaps their need to convey certain information to me, which they came specifically to deliver, is not. I still don’t know what our electrician was trying to tell me this morning. 

We are trying to do better, working to get to the point where interactions are not so tediously, so noisily about us. I look forward to being back, hopefully soon. Until then, I’ll do a lot of smiling and nodding. 

In the meantime, please enjoy this photo of Libby sitting on Feynman, which will never not be funny.

#lent2022 #bibleinoneyear #rescuedogsofinstagram #repentandbelieve


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