Lent 2022, Day 37


From the commentary on today’s BiOY OT passage, Deuteronomy 6-8:

Remember that mountaintops encourage you, but valleys mature you.”

My dog-owner valley is nothing like wandering the wilderness for 40 years, but the lesson and the encouragement are the same. We learn and grow from mistakes and misfortunes.

After our traumatizing episode where I saw what Libby was capable of at her worst, we regrouped and reorganized. I am once again hyper-focused inward, this time not with coziness but with an aim to save my dog. I am wearing her out with walks, depleting her energy to be in charge, and she is often tethered in the house. *I* am in charge, all the time, and she does not like it, but it’s the right thing to do. Hey, even with my derpy goldens, I should have been in charge long ago, rather than always reacting to their cute and fuzzy behavior.

So we’ve got a plan, and I have hope. This “valley” will not last long, and we will emerge from it stronger and less irritating and far less dangerous. And if you happen to walk past my house and hear canine complaints, it’s because I have just told Libby “no.” She hates that.

 #lent2022 #rescuedogsofinstagram #bibleinoneyear #repentandbelieve



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