Lent 2022, Holy Tuesday

Today as we remember the details of the days before Good Friday and Easter, we commemorate 2 parables that Jesus told that final week: the Parable of the Ten Virgins and the Parable of the Talents. Both are illustrations on the importance of keeping watch, of being prepared, and of acting to bring heaven closer to earth—making a difference in this life.

My husband, Ken, has delved deeply into the study of the 10 Talents—if you’d ever like an interesting and challenging conversation about that and the surprisingly practical takeaways found in that parable, I know Ken would love to chat with you. The TL;DR version is this: our priorities should ideally be about serving others and being prepared for the future before satisfying our own present-day wants. That’s a good word for any day, but an especially profound one for this Holy Tuesday, 2020. How would Jesus have us move forward after this time of disease and war? I imagine that many of us will have changed priorities once this is over.

I'm realizing that this time of slowing down, of facing inward, has changed a lot of my priorities and has created the space and patience in my life that Libby needs.  Turns out that she's sort of a symptom of our times, as well as a bit of a cure, at least for me.  And she is illustrative of the time and work it takes to make a difference--good intentions are not enough.


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