today’s BiOY commentary:
those who know most speak least. When we are talking, we are usually merely
repeating what we already know. When we are listening, we may learn something
Today's commentary ties the various passages together along the theme of Intimacy,
Simplicity, and Obedience, as these traits relate to hearing God.
dogs on my mind, of course the word “obedience” jumped out at me. We started
our new, more intensive, training yesterday. It was as stressful as I had
feared, but once again I was struck at how EASY it looks when the trainer is
confident and focused, and the trainees are respectful. When our trainer was in
charge, the dogs responded correctly every time. Every. Time. It’s something to
behold. When control was handed over to me, things got chaotic. My tone was not
correct, I was focused on too many things, and while my dogs clearly love me,
it seems that they don’t have a lot of respect for me. Super.
have the intimacy. They loooove me. They need me. Their whole focus is on me,
relative to what I can do for them. But even this is lacking, because when it
matters, they don’t seem to trust me enough to listen to me and do what I say.
is harder—I anthropomorphize them, attributing much more complex emotions to
them than is realistic, and often “train” them from that place, which,
surprise, never works. But really, all I need to ask of them is actually
simple: trust me.
homework this weekend is to get the dogs to listen to me during distractions.
Which, hello, is God’s homework with me every day, and often I am a no-show,
with predictable results. But it’s all very simple, really, when we remember
that we are loved and that our Creator truly wants the best for us. We just
need to listen and trust.
this photo of Libby responding to my command to get down. And wish us luck.
#bibleononeyear #rescuedogsofinstagram #repentandbelieve
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